Masters of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine

I started my journey of discovering acupuncture by being a patient. After a year + of treatments and results I could not resolve with western standardized treatments, I realized this was special. Being a part of a medical community that looks at the individual as a whole, and treats as such was something I wanted to be a part of. Having customized treatment protocols to reach each individuals needs and goals to improve quality of life.

After 4 Years of a Masters program at Yo San University, I completed an Internship at Venice Family Clinic in Santa Monica where I worked with low income Chronic Pain patients, Blount Community Clinic specializing in Fertility, and a Fellowship program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in the chronic pain clinic.

I opened my private practice in Los Angeles in Oct 2016, and added the Newport Beach location in July 2017, and co-founded Arôme Rituals.

Through my experience of treating patients I felt there was a need for an every day at home wellness ritual that patients could use as a go-to at home pharmacy, and Arôme Rituals was born. Arôme Rituals is a line of essential oil blends in rollers and inhalers to replace your OTC go-to’s and improve your self care regimen.

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Advanced Neuromuscular Therapist & Health Educator 

As a professional dancer and athlete, I have had my share of injuries and aches and pains. Which led me to want to learn more about the human body. I decided to take the journey and increase my education on pain patterns, injuries, kinesiology, pathologies, and ergonomics the everyday stressors on the human body that people utilize on a daily basis.

Becoming a Neuromuscular Therapist was one of the best decisions of my life. I love helping people find paths to healing through rehabilitative massage practices and practicing healthy lifestyles. I have had great success in treating clients who suffer from migraines and chronic headaches through neuromuscular therapy. I have a hybrid style and I do my best to adjust to the client’s needs.



Licencsed Acupuncturist

Out of my curiosity, I started my path to learning Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2001. I wanted to know what acupuncture points are and why acupuncture works wonders. However, just in the middle of my first year pursuing a Master's degree in TCM, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. My study started to get serious. I wonder why people get sick and what we can do about it. My father passed away just about a year later; before I could finish my Master's program. However, my eagerness to learn how to maintain good health didn't go away.

After getting my Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture license, I learned that we should view our health in a holistic way. Therefore, I continued to enrich myself with many other therapies, such as aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, Reiki, and practice qi gong. Although I couldn't help my father back then, I helped my other family members, friends, and all other people seeking better health later.



I always consider the miraculous ability the body has to restore itself to wellness and I wholeheartedly believe this miracle from personal experience.

You have a blueprint which deserves attentive and personalized care. By listening to you and learning your story, I can provide quality individualized care. You are not a chart, a case or a one-size fits all treatment plan.I believe in providing sincere and tailored care for each of you. I always take into account you, as a whole. For this reason, I strive to get a thorough understanding of your body, mind and spirit. After all, healing encompasses the whole and complete person!

My practice in integrative medicine began over a decade ago to find those missing pieces. The purpose of why I became an Acupuncturist was to find the answers I was not getting from my doctors. Now, I am here today to help you! I want to make it easier for those who need hope in their healing and answers that they are not getting. Being that source to provide ancient, sacred and innovative ways to guide you is why I am here.

I embrace ancient, sacred and traditional medicine. However, I understand that we live in a modern world that does not always allow us to live in those ancient ways. I practice medicine that meets in the middle. It blends the wisdom from ancient Traditional Eastern Medicine with contemporary integrative techniques called Functional Medicine. In other words, I practice medicine that is intuitive and innovative. My practice is to create medicine personal to you, that restores your health while creating your body’s capacity to heal itself.

My path to becoming an Acupuncturist began at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. There, I was fortunate to have some of the most knowledgeable pioneers in this Eastern Medicine as my clinical mentors and professors. I completed my clinical rotations at UCSD Cancer Center, UCSD RIMAC Athletic Training Center, and UCSD Geriatrics Clinic.

I expanded my education after graduate school in the practice of Functional Medicine. Healing my own body with Functional Medicine combined with Eastern Medicine, I discovered the necessary component in complementing these two paradigms in each patient’s care.

My specialities are in multiple sclerosisautoimmune diseasedigestive healthsports injury and pain management.